středa 25. srpna 2010

I hate stupid people

I am at my work now, and realy I hate that one lady...she is wierd. I mean I am supposed to take her place in here. She showed me once what will I be suppose to do...and after 2 weeks she tells me that I should have taken this thing already on my, hello she didn´t tell anything liek that...or did she? ok there might was some missunderstanding..but come on. I think i will calm down now...I´m going home in an hour and then I´ll be OK and I will do my job starting tommorow just RIGHT. I will show her who is prettier and smarter and more free:D yayks life is FUN toodels:-*


Sooo I´m getting a tatto next month, can´t wait for it:) realy I am soo happy about it...But I´m not sure what I´m getting yet

I already did some drawings of what I´d like to have.
I am soo damn crazy about Cherry bomb song of The Runaways, and I realy love that cherry that is on the poster for the movie The Runaways, sooo I kinda made this little fucker:D

or I might get only this shizz
this or that Im not sure yet...then I made a fairy and underneath her is Never Again
But I am so out from the Cherry bomb Idea:D

damn.I realy want a tattoo:)

pondělí 23. srpna 2010

more of cyanide and happiness:)

Damn IT!:D

HEy today´s wierd, and when I say wierd I mena WIIIEERDD!
I came to work a nobody was here...but it´s like 10 am so it´s realy wierd...and my mom came back from the it was soo calm when she wasn´t at home.I want to live alone´s just ya know, no stress you can brig your friends when you want, you can spend YOUR money on what you can have whatever animal you want...damn I want to live alone...

It was realy awesome the last 14 days, homealone...I want it back:(

But anyways! What would be my blog without something to laught at:D

here´s something to cheer you(me )up!:)

neděle 22. srpna 2010

What comes around, goes around

I did the stupidest thing in my life, gosh I hate my self or it!I believed again one guy...I dated him for a while...he lended me some money once and he asked me if I could lend him now...So I did it...damn I am sooo stupid! I mean hey how could I believe him after all the things he did to me lately? No more I tell ya...because now he woun´t gve it back even he sighned a paper where was writen that he has to give it back till friday...well no it´s sunday and I haven´t seen him yet...but ok I don´t have money for GAS I have few food ticket still so I will have something to eat..but still my motto keeps coming up..even I cried my eyes out...Life is fun! and then another quote caqme out..what comes around goes I hope and I pray to god so soething bad happends to him...realy...and you know what he told me? : well I waite dfor a month till you gave me the money back.
yeah right but We had a deal that I will give it bac right when I get paid in my new work. And I gave it back...ok it lasted a month but he sighned a deal here! come on isn´t there any justice in the world? tell me people.I wish he gave the money back and then something bad happend to him..nothing serious of course...he could like spedn few days in jail or something...or someone could give him a good punch in the face or SOMETHING! hello world! what have i ever done to you?

but I keep the smile on my face. still dancin´  :) Fuck Marek Posejpal;)

čtvrtek 19. srpna 2010

Get to know me

Today I came to work quite early:) My co-workers can´t get that I was here sooner than them:D So much fun! Even I woke up at 5 am...I don´t care, because of what? LIFE is FUN! yeeay. And I´m also going shopping today with my friend :) can´t wait to buy those jeans and bras and undies...I´m out of everything!:D

I´ll share with you some pics of my babies, hope you´ll like it:)
My new Kitten Cocaine:)
Lulu..the guinnea pig:D
Sugar my Looove, since 2004 :)

The begining of FUnney!

So much FUN!

Hello everyone!
I´m not sure if ther´s anyone reading this but i don´t realy care! It´s easy as is FUN! this is my theory of life...if I wasn´t thinking that way I´d be probably dead:D So...I started at new work now..since there´s not much to do, I decided to do a blog. Maybe I´ll come up with a video..I´ll see:) Anyways....for those who don´t know me, My name is dominika ..well you can see that up in the link:)I´m 20...still live with mom....I can´t wait to move out...ya know it´s not that I don´t ike my´s just..I´m grown up now, I got a good work, I will go to Carl´s I jsut don´t want to listen to some like: When are you coming home, it´s late, you go to work next day...and I´m all like: I know mom...I am responsible!damn...well other infos:D
 I have Black CAT his name is Sugar...and I have an almost pure white cat and his name is Cocaine:) Then I have a Guinea pig called LuLu...Just like GaGa but better:DI love my life, even though I just went trough a break up..I love life! Well tell me what is bigger opportunity in life than life itself...Life is a gotta keep your breath till the end!nobody is gonna run it for ya.